Thursday, February 24, 2011

Lost my job

I don't even know what to say... I am shocked, angry, sad, hurt, worried and every other emotion you can think of. Restructured.... I HATE that word.


  1. OMG I'm so sorry! I know there's no comfort in anything short of your boss groveling on the ground begging you to come back... I hope you feel better soon too :(

  2. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. It's much easier said than done, I know from experience, but try to let go and let God. Put it in his hands and he WILL get you through. *hug*

  3. (((hugs))) mama. I SOOOO hear you. I lost my job a few months ago, and i'm still not over it. And i'd only been there a few months. And the reasoning was horrible. It really hurt me and diminished my self-confidence/self-esteem :(
    I absolutely LOVED that job.

    Prayers for you.

  4. Thanks everyone. I know in the long run it is for the best. I was unhappy there anyway and am tired of working for a place that does not respect me and my other co-workers. It just sucks how it all went down.

  5. I'm so sorry to hear this Shelley... my thoughts and prayers are with your family. I'm sure you'll get through this stronger!

  6. Sounds like we share similar stories. It's a grieving process for sure. Good Luck to you!

  7. We have had a lot of illness at home too. Sorry things are so yucky right now.
